Thursday, September 3, 2015

Stern Disciplinarians

Continuing on the lively space maroons theme, I humbly submit some sternguard. Painted just after the tac squad, close to two years ago. Doesn't this first guy look super stern? Or maybe constipated.

Here's a couple more hardasses. The bald fellow is far more stern than open-mouthed determination fellow.

In some semblance of seriousness, I did try to vary their skin tones quite a bit to provide a further degree of realism. I think it turned out pretty well, don't you?

So these pricks were a ton of fun to paint, and oddly enough, I still have one yet to paint. Lots of ADHD up in here. Maybe one of the 5 of you will let me know what you think. Likely not, but maybe so.

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