Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Recent work...

So now for something a bit more recent. As in completed in the last few weeks. I'm working on my mechanicus forces currently, and I'm inspired by world War 2 German colors, pulp comics, and a bit of steampunk. I hope it comes through in my work.

First up, the tech priest dominus. I enjoy the play of vivid almost fluorescent colors playing with the drabness of his robes and armor.

Close up of some of the armor highlights and cabling. For most of my cabling on this army I'm referencing 1940s asbestos wrapped electrical wiring. 

I really try to make my weapons glow nowadays, and I don't own an airbrush. Think I pull it off?

A view of his metallic backside. 

Again, trying to make the weapon stand out and be the focal point for this view of the model. I also decided that I wanted to get a frothy blood feel in the science lab on his back.

All I  all, I'm very happy with this model. I think I achieved what I set out to do with the drab military colors and pulpy, steampunk is weaponry.  What do you think? Bueller?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Meanwhile back at the Astra Militarum...

Ok. I have to confess, I love love love commissars.  I like to paint them, I like to read about them, I like to look at other people's painted commissars. Here's one of mine. Another year or two old paint job.

And then I live me some guard. Good ol' Nork is always special

Next up, my take on Lord Castellan Creed: work it, Creed!

Friday, September 4, 2015


So my greatest love in what is now Age of Sigmar are the Blightkings. I have some pictures of a couple that I painted some time ago. My theme goes with the corrupted sea creatures of the fantasy fluff and the concepts of dying in some God awful manner involving pus, filth, and sea monsters. Anyways, I wanted some colors resembling corals of a reef.


I really wanted a moving water feeling as though they were coming from the sea onto the beach. Thoughts? 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Stern Disciplinarians

Continuing on the lively space maroons theme, I humbly submit some sternguard. Painted just after the tac squad, close to two years ago. Doesn't this first guy look super stern? Or maybe constipated.

Here's a couple more hardasses. The bald fellow is far more stern than open-mouthed determination fellow.

In some semblance of seriousness, I did try to vary their skin tones quite a bit to provide a further degree of realism. I think it turned out pretty well, don't you?

So these pricks were a ton of fun to paint, and oddly enough, I still have one yet to paint. Lots of ADHD up in here. Maybe one of the 5 of you will let me know what you think. Likely not, but maybe so.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

There and There Again: a Fatass's Tale

Man, it has been a long time since I've posted anything (as the 5 of you probably haven't noticed). So I'm going to try and catch up.  Starting with this shit: space maroons.

Just look at those teeny tiny old bases. Should clue you in that I painted these bastards well over a year ago

Try to keep it simple, stupid. Too many details and not enough finished models makes Jason a dull boy. 

Ok, so I've got way too much to catch up on. Kinda sucks, but at least I've got a metric shit ton of blogging material. Look out, you poor fools!