Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sons of Apocalypse

 I've been compiling some Imperial guard to turn into traitors to support my lovely Khorne berzerker army. So here is a tidbit of some painting so you can sample how my Armor is going to look. Also the basic color scheme of my renegades. I'm going to keep with the axe barrel theme for the battle tanks. I think it makes them super duper chaosy! Comments and feedback are always appreciated!


  1. Yeah, that's a very subtle conversion. I didn't notice it at first. I'm digging the battle wear.

    How are the new eldar?

  2. Well you know I didn't want it to be bling raped traitor guards lol.

    The new elder, like the Tau, are far more ridiculous than either chaos codex. Lots of high strength shots, loads of lances to reduce your armor and loads of shields to reduce the strength of your weapons. Plus cheap badass armour (fire prisms and wave serpents anyone??). They're pretty sweet.
